Sunday 1 December 2019


Discussion of the programming assignments is allowed and encouraged. Each programming assignment will be graded by a TA who will also be responsible for answering questions regarding that assignment. Textbooks Required Frank M. This demonstrates professionalism and consideration for your fellow students and your Instructor. However, students are expected to do their own work. I will try to put them up before each class meeting but no guarantees on that. cs302 video lectures

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In the lectures, you will be introduced to data structures at an abstract level.

cs302 video lectures

Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by Board of Regents policy. Topics Tentative This is a tentative list of topics, subject to modification and reorganization. Please ensure that the instructor and TAs are notified at the earliest possible convenience.

However, students are expected to do their own work.

At the end of the course you will be levtures with the tools of data organization to enable you to write simple, clear, and efficient programs. Some of these assignments will be collected and graded Canvas and count towards extra credit.

Sorting Algorithms Merge sort, Quick sort. It is subject to readjustment depending on the time we actually spend in class covering the topics.

cs302 video lectures

I will try to put them up before each class meeting but no guarantees on that. Keep in mind that seeking help outside of class is the sign of a responsible and successful student. You are welcome to discuss the problems or solution strategies with your class mates but the resulting work should be your own. Copying from each other or from other sources is considered as cheating. Some of the programming assignments will be done in groups of two. There will be several announced and unannounced quizzes in lecture and online Canvas.

Failure in either the assignments or the tests will result in failure in the course. Lecturew graduates will have achieved: Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or lectres is requested to speak with the Lecturees Resource Center Pennington Student Achievement Center, Suite as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

Homework assignments will be distributed at the instructor or TAs discretion. The exams will be closed books and closed notes but a single page cheat sheet double side letter size is allowed. The usual penalty for cheating on project or an exam is failure in the course. It is suggested that you take advantage of TA office hours as substantive effort is being allocated to be successful with respect to the programming assignments. Assignments, Examinations and Grading: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and penalties can include canceling a student's enrollment without a grade, giving an F for the course or for the assignment.

Recursion cont - Stack ADT. Slides are modified from the original slides of the textbook by Carrano and Henry. This class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the instructor.

CS Lecture 01 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

It can be tough to debug big programs if all you know is that the output is wrong and you are not sure any individual module is working. Please daily check your UNR e-mail. Grading Tentative Both grading policy and scale are subject lecthres change. Processing Data in External Storage. Announcements regarding the course will be posted on this web page and sent by e-mail to your UNR e-mail account.

CS302 Lecture No. 16

Graphs Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra shortest path. This is a tentative schedule including the exam dates. Each programming assignment will be graded by a TA who will also be responsible for answering questions regarding that assignment.

cs302 video lectures

Every assignment must be completed, working, and turned in.

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